Duolingo App
What aspects of the renowned app Duolingo could be enhanced through better design? Through comprehensive user research and market analysis, our team focused on improving user engagement and personalizing learning experiences while also revamping the gamification design. Our goal is to make the language learning process with Duolingo more meaningful.
My Role:
In collaboration with Pranali Mansukhani, Julie Rissman, and Shreya Chounhury
Design Process:
Emphasize & Define
The goal of the workshop is to equip faculty members with the knowledge and information they need to support their students' academic success and resolve any issues or concerns they may face. By the end of the workshop, participants will
have a basic understanding of the resources available for students,
know how to identify students in need,
and how to refer them to the right resources.
The goal of the workshop is to equip faculty members with the knowledge and information they need to support their students' academic success and resolve any issues or concerns they may face. By the end of the workshop, participants will
have a basic understanding of the resources available for students,
know how to identify students in need,
and how to refer them to the right resources.
Pain Points:
Storyboard+User Stories
Crazy 8s; Affinity group
Lo-fi Prototype
User Test
5 Usability Tests
Heuristic Evaluation using Norman
Visual Design Principles Checklist
Prototype Iteration